“Dil e Nadan,” a drama airing on Geo TV, features Mikaal Zulfiqar and Amar Khan in the main roles. The show has attracted considerable viewership, yet the reception of the lead female character, Nayab, has been mixed. Often, the formula of portraying innocent and naive female leads helps boost a show’s popularity. However, Nayab’s character, played by Amar Khan, seems to have been taken too far in this direction, leading to criticism for both its writing and portrayal.
In Episode 17, Nayab, now married, has shown little to no character development. Her actions and demeanor remain largely unchanged from her earlier days as a student, which has not gone over well with fans. Many feel that Amar Khan’s portrayal lacks subtlety, with exaggerated expressions making the character come across as overly naive, to the point of appearing unintelligent.
Viewers, after watching 17 episodes, are hoping for some growth in Nayab’s character. The lack of change in her behavior continues to be a major point of contention among the audience, who have been vocal about their dissatisfaction.